Saremo chiusi per le vacanze di Natale dal 23 dicembre 2024 al 6 gennaio 2025 compresi. Gli ordini effettuati dopo il 18 dicembre verranno spediti a partire dal 7 gennaio 2025.
High Load Jammer
The Jammer that won’t give up!
Unlike traditional jammers that squeeze lines between 2 jaws,
Karver KJ jammer secures the line evenly around its cover with 3 jaws.
Su ordinazione
- No slipping when under high load. No rope wear.
- Up to 50% lighter than the competition.
- Up to 3 different rope diameters can be used on the same jammer
- Remote control possible.
- Easy maintenance.
The conical KJ can be taken off its base, which can then be bonded into a casing on the deck or in the mast.